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Curtis Swishuk
Become A Distributor

Curtis Swishuk
Your # 1 Source for PEMF equipment and Therapy
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Become a Distributor!
Join a highly motivated, dedicated organization, and become part of one of the most innovative, comprehensive and rewarding remuneration concepts in the global direct selling industry.
Swiss Bionic Solutions' products will change your health and life. You will be so impressed and excited you will want to tell everyone about these amazing products!
The opportunity exists NOW to offer hope, health, excitement and freedom to the masses while becoming financially empowered or even making a career of it.
To find out how you can be part of this growing industry, contact us now for more information regarding our amazing opportunities.
Curtis Swischuk PEMF Health Inc. (owner/operator)
Let us assist you in purchasing the correct PEMF systems for your personal home based business, Clinical Center, or Wellness Center needs.
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PEMF Therapy Works!
It can work for you!
Repair and Maintain Health at a Cellular Level!
Deal with the Root Cause of your Ailments by addressing impaired Chemistry and the function of Cells!
Regenerates blood cells with better circulation and oxygenation. Strengthens/ boosts the immune system.