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PROBLEM: Electromagnetic RADIATION (EMF)
Harmful electro-smog or dirty electricity blocks the natural frequencies of the earth that is crucial for life and health. (1)
Society is faced with critically high and toxic levels of EMF POISONING affecting our air, atmosphere and existence. Also, with closed air systems in offices, pollution, cars, fumes, harmful chemicals, toxins in our food, and water we deplete and cause damage to our bodies. (2)
Things such as satellite signals, broadcast stations, electrical appliances, drainage pipes and asphalt all interfere with these signals. Man-made electricity, generators, motors all generate electromagnetic fields that are simply not compatible with our biological form and how we function! (3)
With the Increasing negative EMF effects from radio, television, cell towers, high voltage power lines, Wi-Fi, mobile communications ( wireless house phones, 3 G, 4 G, and soon to be 5 G), etc., our bodies are becoming more SERIOUSLY damaged!!! (4) (5) (6)
Pregnant women, unborn children, newborns, young children, teenagers, men of reproductive age, the elderly, the disabled, and the chronically ill will be the most vulnerable to the new high frequencies of 5G! (7)
Electro-smog or dirty electricity acts as a microwave oven on human tissue- the cellular processes are disrupted. (8)
Since 1961 to today microwave transmissions are a BILLION times more INTENSE !!!
This causes our body's cells to vibrate way to fast. PEMF's can help slow down these vibrations!
EMF effects on humans has been a major subject of controversy. There are all kinds of indisputable studies on animals and insects. A lot of the studies with regards to EMF's and RF's effecting human cells will state that more research has to be done. However, here are some studies that will provide conclusive verification of the negative EMF and RF effects on the different types of Human Cells. (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
EMF's and RF's
PEMF therapy can help to counterbalance dangerous EMFs to help protect individuals and their family.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields
The efficiency of PEMF therapy has been scientifically proven.
Over 30,000 research papers and over 2000 double blind studies have been completed.
NASA's four year, three and one half million dollar study concluded that PEMF therapy is the most effective form of healing for the repair and regeneration of human and animal cells.
Over 50 years of scientific research proving the efficacy of PEMF
PEMF equipment can benefit people, pets, and animals of all ages and many health concerns.
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No one can escape EMF RADIATION damage!
Children are the most susceptible with their thinner skulls, developing nervous systems, and their higher water conductivity ratio!
PEMF therapy can produce AMAZING results!
Swiss Bionic Solutions 8 minute full body mat and accessory therapy
Can BENEFIT numerous health conditions! The results are ASTONISHING !!!
PEMF therapy Increases healthy and active white and red blood cells that move more freely.
After PEMF therapy the ions within the blood cells properly rearrange and there is improved micro circulation.
The red blood cells repel each other and separate and transport oxygen more efficiently into the body.
Cell Ion Drawings
The human body has about 200 different cell types. All cells in the body share common components, regardless of their type. All cells contain ions. Ions are positively and negatively charged particles that conduct electro-magnetic pulses from within the cell. The electro-magnetic pulses allow the cell to function. Without ions, a cell cannot live.